Thoughtluck Peer Review App

UX/UI, Branding, Illustration

"Thoughtluck” is a virtual space primarily for communication arts students and working creatives that makes asking for feedback more convenient and accessible. A place where your creative network contributes their own unique perspectives to the table with the shared goal of better ideas and solutions.

Conceptual illustrated instagram ads to promote the app and it's benefits.

Breakdown of Thoughtluck App features.

Login Page.

After logging in user’s are brought to a home page that shows recent public posts from their creative network.

By clicking the footer menu brain icon, users select between 4 creative disciplines, advertising, branding, illustration and copywriting.

After selecting one, a dropdown offers a list of exercises that apply to the discipline.

Before beginning an exercise, the user is given directions and sets a time limit for each question or prompt.

In this particular exercise are sections divided up by different ways of approaching the problem.

Within each section are prompts/questions which frame the approach differently. Included are examples of existing work to demonstrate that type of approach in action. The timer helps people stay on track while forcing them to think in a less censored way, although it can be paused at any time.

By selecting the projects icon on the footer menu user’s see a list of their existing projects where they can edit, delete, or add new ones.

This process begins by taking pictures of your sketches or selecting from your cellphone gallery. Alternatively, a drop-down menu allows users to access their Dropbox or google drive folders. Here they can also circle or mark up their sketches to highlight particular areas.

Next, they add details to their project. This includes the title, tags, background, and target audience as well as the urgency level in which they are requesting feedback.

After adding written details we have the option to record an audio clip to help explain the project and concepts. Verbalizing an idea is much different than writing about it and can help you work out where clarity may be lacking.

For those with less confidence in speaking about their work, this is an opportunity to retry and practice before submitting. Either way, this is an optional step but is encouraged.

Next, they add details to their project. This includes the title, tags, background, and target audience as well as the urgency level in which they are requesting feedback.

While the app is not primarily a sleep or exercise management tool, it does keep track of sleep, steps and screen time to help users in recognizing patterns.

Within these threads, they can share comments, record messages, and circle certain sketches or areas.